2022-09 Beta Test


Staff member
All announcements for 2022-09 Beta Test (17 Races) to be posted here. Please continue to check in for further announcements.
Please review the attached PDF for Information on 2022-09.


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Mark your calendars!

Beta 2022-09 is scheduled to continue starting Saturday Oct. 8.
The remainder of Beta 2022-09 (5 races, starting Race 13) will continue from then, any changes will be announced immediately.

Thank you.
False Alarm!

Although we’ve gotten confirmation from iRacing, the legal review from our side is taking a little bit longer than expected, so unfortunately we will be postponing for slightly longer. On a positive note, we are expecting the review to finish shortly and are considering finishing out the month with the 5 remaining races!

Another announcement will be made on when the 5 races will take place. So please check in from time to time.
Be assured this league and current series will continue.

Thank you.

Thank you for your utmost patience. We’ve gone through many confirmations until now, working day and night behind the scenes to provide a solution that most would be satisfied with (which we have a green flag to proceed). Please review below :

1) League continuation: Nov. 24th (Thursday) 8:50 AM KST

2) Remaining Schedule, Mark your calendars!


3) Participation Fees:

We are switching over to receiving participation fees via USD on PayPal and other similar payment processors. Our new website is now open! www.amxrace.com

This is for several reasons:
1. To serve as a temporary solution until our legal team greenlights us to go forward with a crypto-based fee system.
2. To be able to purchase more than one race, and for multiple drivers as well!

Those that have submitted participation fees for the remaining 5 races will still count, and be contacted separately.

4) Race Prize Payouts and Attendance Award :
The attendance award is still in play!! In a modified form for legal reasons. We might have to pay out in USD. Details to be announced later.

5) Taxation and Identity Check
One hurdle that came about was regarding taxation laws. As we are based in South Korea, we have to abide by local laws and deduct taxes on prizes that are over $200 for drivers.

This also means drivers that receive funds greater than $200 must also submit a government-issued ID. We are working on a solution to lessen these fees, but will most likely be implemented in a future date.

6) Race 17 : Car and Track Change
As Daytona International Speedway has become a paid circuit, we’ve decided to change to the Radical SR8 V8 at Laguna Seca. Our next series of rounds will contain some paid cars and tracks which you guys have wanted, so stay tuned 😊

We have 5 races left, so we’re excited to see which drivers will receive the ultimate prize!

Once again, a big thank you to all for waiting and hope to develop this league even more!

See you November 24th!



Please review this 2 part announcement regarding the Beta 2022-09 series carefully! Thank you!

1) Official Review

Due to several reports of collusion, we have decided to send the last 3 races to the regional FIA representative for official review (with results being posted immediately after release)

We have realized the need for clearer rules and guidelines going forward, therefore we want to make it clear that we have and will be abiding by the FIA Sporting Code, (AMX is an official FIA registered promoter), especially in areas of collusion.

If there are any other official appeals from the previous races in Beta 2022-09, please ready your cases and let us know, and we will supply appeal information.

We plan on implementing this review / officiating / appeal session on a monthly or seasonal basis.

2) Beta 2022-09 Payout Information

We have decided to payout via paypal in USD. The amount of USD awarded will be equivalent to the price of DOGE at the TIME OF PAYMENT. Some participants have brought to our attention that they may have issues with receiving funds via paypal, however this is currently our only option. It is possible for us to hold on to the outstanding payout amount, however it will be up to drivers to find a way to receive the prizes.

Regarding payouts, which will happen after the official review stated above, the below requirements are deemed necessary :
  • All prizes are subject to 4.4% tax. (*Tax percentage imposed by South Korean government)
  • All prize winners will need to submit a government-issued ID for tax purposes (proof of residency required if not on ID)
We have contacted the regional FIA ASN for further review of any collusion, but have decided to move forward with the payouts as soon as possible. We want to make it clear that we will not tolerate any abuse of the system and any future rules in order to receive prizes.

Our goal is to promote competitive racing and we will take steps to prevent abuse of the system. We have noticed some drivers going at slower paces outside the collusion reports and this is a warning to both groups. Any future instances of attempts to abuse the system will result in immediate disqualification, or other severe consequences.

An official review after beta season 1 will be implemented and AMX reserves the right to make changes or additions to the rules at any time in order to maintain a fair and competitive racing environment.

Regarding payouts for Beta 2022-09, please review the attached file for the list of prize winners and winning amounts.
We have updated the payout section (within your profile) on the website. Please review your profile and make sure the correct account and IDs are uploaded. We will start payouts beginning tomorrow.

Once again, a big congratulations to prize winners and thank you to all who participated in Beta 2022-09.


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